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Halo 5 

Master Chief & Spartan Locke Suits

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Artem recently brought iconic characters to life from Halo 5: Guardians, the latest addition to Microsoft’s $5 billion Halo sci-fi franchise for Xbox.

Project Details 

Artem technicians worked within a ten-week timeframe to create twelve suits in total, to be worn by performers at gaming conventions around the world this autumn, including E3, gamescom, and EGX, following the game’s worldwide launch on October 27. These included seven suits for the Halo’s protagonist, the Master Chief, as well as five outfits for the franchise’s new character, Spartan Locke.

The Artem team first developed the Master Chief suits for Microsoft in 2010, when the company was commissioned to make two costumes from scratch in just 10 days for the successful launch of Halo: Reach. In 2013, Artem created four Master Chief suits for the launch of Halo 4.

Artem’s recent brief for Spartan Locke presented new challenges, however. Working from 3D digital files from 343 Industries, the team began by configuring the data for physical manufacture, so that it could be worn by a human performer. The character’s armour was then built using Artem’s 7-axis KUKA robot arm, 3-axis CNC router and 3D printers, before the machined patterns were moulded and cast.

To allow flexibility and movement, as well as comfort for the actor, most of the armour for the suits – excluding the helmet and fibreglass chest pieces – was constructed from a semi-rigid, foam-backed polyurethane skin. This resulted in an authentic lightweight replica of the digital models. The components were then hand-painted and distressed for a ‘battle-worn’ effect and finally attached to a reinforced foam latex under-suit.

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It is always interesting to tackle challenges that at first glance seem fraught with difficulty. Developing the robust illuminating tubes that run over the Spartan Locke costume was an R&D project in its own right, never mind the practicalities of getting a human shape into the often impractical character!

Mike Kelt

CEO of Artem

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