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Dark Encounter

Alien Puppet and SFX

explore project

We worked with the talented Strathie Film team again on their second feature, Dark Encounter, where alien fantasy meets psychological thriller.

Project Details 

As with their first film, Solis, the production wanted as many of the effects as possible to be physical.

Artem were asked to create an alien character and to provide standby atmospherics and effects on location.

The Artem team created an alien form, sculpting first in clay and then casting it in translucent silicone, supported by wire. 

The main cast was also used to create an animatronic hand which could be manipulated for close shots – fingers reaching around doors and over shoulders…

Artem’s technicians provided on-set support, operating the alien and its hand. We also created a number of smoke and atmospheric effects, for both interior and exterior shots.

Sculpting in Clay

Full-Sized Sculpt

Fibreglass Alien Mould

Alien Arm WIP

Animatronic Alien Hand Rig

Operating the Alien Hand on Set

Clay Torso

Alien Torso with Lighting

Lighting the Alien on Set

Operating the Alien on Set

Woodland Atmospherics at Night

Lay-flat Through Woodland

Exterior Smoke Effects

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Dark Encounter is now available on HMV, Amazon, iTunes and Prime Video.

See the official trailer here.

And view the Dark Encounter behind the scenes documentary here with more on Artem's role at 12mins, 17.5mins and 33mins.

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